Sunday 3 July 2011

Middle finger in the air if your WHAT is WHAT :O :O :O

First things first. I have a moral dilemma here. Can i review this song ? A song so trashy that it is beatiful in its own twisted way ? Yeah, i can, quite easily to be honest.

I was introduced to the song 'Party Like A Millionaire' - The Millionaires by our loving blog creator and Fuhrer Busty St. Clair. With an awesome technopop vibe and hair that is more out of control than Brandy on a highway , my initial thoughts about the song were positive. Then the first line is uttered...

'Middle finger in the air if your pussy's tight.'

Followed by the equally brilliant

'All the boys are getting hard down to fuck tonight.'

And that was me. Jordy was sold faster than a black child at Madonna's house. This song is the latest to use what i like to call the SLS - "Shock Lyrics Strategy". Other notable songs would include Khia - My Neck, My Back and The Outhere Brothers - Wiggle Wiggle.

Im not the most politically correct person but when i first heard this song i thought 'Oh my GAWD !' and since this its became a personal favourite (though it must be avoided when small children or the elderly are near). I discovered the hard way that adults do not like their children to be subjected to songs which include verses such as...

"You want this bomb ass pussy
Who's got that bomb ass pussy
I've got that bomb ass pussy
White girl with a bomb ass pussy"

Kids are exposed to that kinda shit all the time. On TV, in magazines, on the streets, so why shouldn't people make songs as goddamn filthy and nasty as they possibly can. My advice ? YOU GO GIRLS ! You show 'The Man' whos the boss !!!

Fuck the Po-Po !

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