Wednesday 15 June 2011

Joss Stone back in the headlines... due to assasination attempt?!?!?!11

Okay, before i begin i think i need to say a few things. I agree that Joss Stone is annoying and is every stans worst nightmare. Her debut album was WAAAY overhyped and did NOT produce the good promised, the singles released from it were all rediculously faux-funk, and the way she moved to America, ditched her english accentm, adopted a new one and stoped giving a fuck about the UK - her HOME country - really fucked me off. Overall? I aint here for that, but planning to assasinate her? Seems a tad heavy.

Dont get me wrong, im sure EVERYONE has said 'Fuck, that ___________ song is annoying, id happily shoot ______________ dead.' but im also 100% sure no pressed bitch would do it. Well until now it seems...

Two Angry ass stans - aged 33 and 30 - were picked up just outisde the Singers home in Devon. These two men were arrested on Monday night for what police suspected was just a simple robbery - they were carrying an offensive weapon - after neighbours reported the pair acting suspiciously outside Stone's properly. Upon further inspection, Police were said to have found a body bag, rope, swords as well as maps and aerial photos of Stone's home.

This morning, Police Investigation leader Detective Inspector Steve Parker issued an official statement saying;

 "The two men in custody had in their possession information relating to an individual in the Cullompton area and items which lead us to suspect that they may have intended to commit a criminal offence. Police enquiries continue and the men remain in custody. We're unable to say any more at this time but I would like to thank the local residents for reporting the suspicious car."

And there we have it folk. People can get SOOOO pressed that they actually plan an assasination. Wow... and here was me thinking that i hated Jason DeRulo and Ke$ha with the undying passion of Bey Stans after a fresh wig. Guess not.....

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