Tuesday 21 June 2011

Weird Al Yankovic releases GaGa parody 'Perform This Way'

After the controversy surrounding the singles release a couple of weeks ago*, Weird Al Yankovic has just released his video for his Lady GaGa parody, 'Perform This Way', and it goes without saying that is is absolutly fucking hilarious.

As a massive GaGa stan, i have got to admit, this is soooooo funny and one of the better parodies i have seen (although NOT better than Sherry Vines GaGa parodies). Usually most parodies are clich'ed and full of shit that isnt even remotly funny (i have a dick, my music is shit, im a theif etc...) but Weird Al has successfully managed to create a funny parody that wasnt all that insulting to Gags while managing to rip the piss out of her in a way we all do, just here done with a little more class than your usual run of the mill parody (heres looking at you Smosh).

Check out the video above and leave your comments in the box below? what did you think? Amazing, or a blatant disrespect to 'Mother Monster' and her 'artistry' *rolls eyes*

*The controversy was that Al took to his blog to say GaGa had said NO to releasing the single after he went through a rigerous process to finish the song and play it  to her. Well, after the news his GaGas manager came out and said he didnt want it released as at the time 'Born This Way' was still riding high in the charts, seems GaGa hadnt even heard the single yet. Yep... thats it. Boring ehh?

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