Saturday 11 June 2011

The Two-Hit Wonder of The World !

Maroon 5 is in the charts !!!

Their song 'Never Gonna Leave This Bed' is sitting at number 70 in the billboard charts ! Its just unfortunate that i have never heard this song or was even aware of its release, but i'm sure everyone else is aware of it .... right ? .......... Anyone ?

Just as i thought. This new song is Maroon 5's attempt at becoming relevant again and i must admit its went about as well as can be imagined. Read 'as well as be imagined' as SHITE !

They are not total flops, i mean, who could forget songs as great as 'This Love' and 'She Will Be Loved' (which still remains in my all-time top 3 love songs ever). Such great works prevent them from being as floptastic as the one known as Ke$ha ! Their success lies in the past and it would be foolish for them to try and regain what they once had. HOWEVER, the BeeGees did it in the 70's so why can't Maroon 5 ?

I say go for it !!! And i wish you the best of luck lads ! But don't come crying to the rest of us if today's music doesn't want to play.

Moral of the Story - Give up when the going's good, unless you have some Stan-winning, orgasmic, shit-hot music up your sleeve.

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