Sunday 12 June 2011

Run DMC can 'Walk This Way' all over you basic irrelevant bitches !!!

Its always a good day when you can put your music on shuffle and the first song that pops up is Run DMC - It's Tricky. It's got me thinking, where would we be now, musically, without Run DMC. Well, consider these quick facts;

- The first rap artist with Gold, Platinum and Multi-Platinum albums.
- The first rap act to make a video appearance on MTV.
- The first rap act to appear on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine.

Notable songs include 'It's Like That' (with Jason Nevins), 'It's Tricky' and 'Walk This Way' (with Aerosmith) and its epic music like this that allows me to say that Run DMC have had a great impact on music, specifically, rap.

I mean, who can honestly say that they haven't always wanted to have a 'It's Like That' themed Dance-Off or break down a wall 'Walk This Way' style ???

Fuck all you bitches who think you've made a difference to the world (im looking at you Ke$ha). Until you have actually influenced the course of musical history for the better you are still as musically bankrupt as Mc Hammer's finances !

Yeah, i went there....

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