Saturday, 25 June 2011

Lady GaGa - Born This Way (Expanded Edition): [POP] Review

Artist: Lady GaGa
Album: Born This Way
Released: 23rd May 2011

Marry the Night - 9/10
Strong Opening to a pretty flawless album. Instantly catches your attention. Its very reminiscent of a in-her-peak 80's Whitney Huston. The track features an interesting, almost childlike melody followed by a strong, commanding chorus supported by Fernando Garibay's finest instrumental yet. The 'turn the car on and ruuuuuuuuuun' is also one of the highlights on the album due to its infection delivery. One of my favourite songs off of the album, though I'm unsure how it would bode as a single as it contains many elements similar to that of 'The Edge of Glory'. Also, last minute is way to long and repetitive for my liking, very broken record-esk.

Born This Way - 9/10
 Madonna comparisons aside, this is a very strong track. The verses are catchy and well structured even if the lyrics are very touch-and-go. The actual Chorus itself has also been revamped since the VMA's 2010 but it is still one of the strongest chorus's on the album. The Lyrics of the bridge are heavy handed, but get the point across well and show its NOT just a song for Gay Right. We were ALL born this way, even if it is a little Schick-y. Also, the song uses the word 'Chola', which is always nice...

Government Hooker - 10/10
This has been my Pu$$y Poppin' song ever since the album was released. Formed around a series of psychedelic blips, beeps and (sometimes demonic, sometimes cute) chants, the song focuses on what the title suggests: Getting fucked by the government in the hopes that when they are done they will give us what we deserve, money. The sinister sound, Lyrics about JFK and clear references to Marilyn Monroe make for one controversy ridden future single. The 'HoooooooKAH!' chorus is also one of GaGas better ones, the simplicity and backing vocals from her body guard all add up to make another, very 'GaGa' track.

Judas - 7/10
To quote Katy Perry, when it comes to Judas we share a sort of Love-Bipolar. One minute, its the best thing since Mariah Carey scalped J-Lo. Next minute? Its the worst thing since Eminem got off the drugs. Overall though, it IS a strong single and one of the more obvious choices on the album for the single treatment. The demonic screeches during the verse are the obvious highlights here. The song itself may be a complete re-hash of 'Bad Romance' with a pissed off demeanor, but still. Not a bad song at all... just not fantastic on the levels of its sister track.

Americano - 7/10
Upon first listen to this track, one would be forgiven for thinking it was a joke track ,with all the wails, somewhat childlike 'la la la la la la laaa's and lyrics in Mexican, but upon future listens it becomes clear its one of GaGas more poignant tracks about the problems in Phoenix Arizona, even if displayed in quite a camp and somewhat flamboyant visage. Another candidate for 'future single' anyone? Best be calling Honey Bey...

Hair - 9/10
The second campest song on the record (behind FoHL) 'Hair' is one thing and one thing only: GAGA. Following a very standard 80's intro before bursting into a trademark GaGa robotic chorus, 'Hair' is another track that screams future single, if not for the fantastic possibilities that could come out of a video for it. Some 'cute' lyrics and the addition of the saxophone on the backing track equal a song that sounds familiar to hits of the 80's but remain typically GaGa throughout. This can only be a good thing after the infamous 'complications' in recent months.

Scheiße - 11/10
This is it. THE massive hit sitting on 'Born This Way', waiting to jump right out of this album and onto radios, computers and televisions everywhere. Red-One and GaGa's greatest collaboration since 'Bad Romance', 'Scheiße' features the biggest "pop" chorus on BTW and speech like verses that give off a very 1950s vibe. Never has a song about female equality been wrapped up in such an interesting ribbon. The 'Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh' section after the chorus and the chant like 'gibberish' section make for one of the best songs of the album, if not GaGas career.

Bloody Mary - 11/10
Another massive sounding song on the album, but this one should NOT be a single. Another religious song - this time in the form of a haunting pop ballad - the song discusses GaGa's views on Mary Magdalene and how she feels she coped during the fall of Christ. The hymn like chorus and demonic reverb on the verses create an almost haunted, spiritual sounding song, all carried by GaGas ability and control over her voice and the almost tragic tone to the entire song. Another hidden treasure to add to GaGa ever growing catalogue.

Black Jesus Amen Fashion - 8/10
The most 'Madonna' sounding track on BTW, the song is easily going to become a trademark 'runway' anthem in the coming years. The strong, shout like verses and the chanting, auto tuned chorus may seem very Madonna on first listen (and may be right) but easily becomes its own piece of work out of the reigning Queen of Pops ever foreboding shadow. Best Part? THAT bridge. "BLACK JESUS, BLACK JESUS, BLACK JESUS. Jesus is the new Black. OWWW!" ohh Scheiße... this shit is hot.

Bad Kids - 6/10
One of the tracks I'm neither here nor there about. In my opinion this is one of the few tracks GaGa makes that is simply catchy and nothing more, but when she hypes her material up as much as she does, is this enough? In the case of Bad Kids, no.

Fashion of his Love - 8/10
The pop ballad written and dedicated to Alexander McQueen (GaGa's close friend) this song features some of the cheesiest lyrics GaGa has ever written, yet it never seems crass or forced and seem to flow naturally. A fitting tribute to a revolutionary designer which I'm sure he would be proud of. Look out for the sample of GaGa's old, unreleased track 'Earthquake' just before the second chorus!

Highway Unicorn (Road to Love) - 8/10
This is the point in the album where the melodic theme shifts from a more Whitney-80's esk sound to a more Springsteen sound. With a more 'epic' sound to it that most of the previous tracks, Highway Unicorn is another cheesy, gay anthem in the making, but as GaGa has proven in the past, this is where she shines. With its loud, proclamation like chorus and slow, shouting verse GaGa successfully makes the only song called 'Highway Unicorn' that can be listened to without cracking a grin/throwing shade at its title.

Heavy Metal Lover - 11/10
Perfection. That is the ONLY way to describe this filthy, electro pop ditty with the sleaziest lyrics imaginable. The ultimate 'filthy sex' song. EVER! With low registered, robotic verses purred into your earphones and a mystical, 'ohhhh' chorus section GaGa creates the most original sounding song on the record that is honestly hard to describe without making it sound shit. Another song that shouldn't be a single, THIS is classic GaGa, and easily the most surprising success on the album. It obviously wont be for everyone, but for me? Possibly my favourite track on the album...

Electric Chapel - 8/10
A slow burning up-tempo that focuses more on the almost holy sound to it than a trademark GaGa track, 'Electric Chapel' is a song that given her background and image shouldn't work. Thankfully, it does. The 'Follllooowww Me!' & 'doo do do, dooo do dooo do' hook save the song from becoming boring, and the chorus? Well, that can only be described as 'trippy', with GaGas slow, hymn like vocals and the sound of bells making for a strangely interesting/hypnotic track. One Problem though. That guitar rift at the start of the song sounds oddly familiar...

The Queen - 7/10
This track is interesting, as it has quickly became a fan favourite among the 'Little Monsters'. Discussing GaGas need to be the queen she feels she can, neigh deserves to be, the track starts off as an uptempo ballad-esk ditty with sickeningly sweet vocals before slowing down and becoming an almost acoustic rock track. A good song overall, but one thing seems to ruin it... That annoying 'Qu-Qu-Queen Qu-Qu-Queen' hook. Usually GaGas pattern of repetitive hooks work exceptional well, but on the Queen? It just seems forced... even if i am just a little fond of it.

Yoü And I - 10/10
Its NOT overproduced, its NOT god bad lyrics and its NOT a bad song. There, i said it. Hew Gon Check Meh Boo? Seriously though, 'Yoü And I' is GaGa second best ballad to me (after the perfect 'Wonderful')and i still enjoy it immensely a year after first hearing it. The 'We Will Rock You' sample also works nicely here when it would have sounded phenomenally shite anywhere else. A fitting up-tempo love song to a very, very, very special little romance GaGa so desperately trys to deny. well, the album IS for ü... #shade

The Edge of Glory - 11/10
I ain't writing about it again, just read the last article. . To summarise, its orgasmic. PRETTY DAMN AMAZING! *gives thumbs up to the camera*N

Overall, 'Born This Way' has its ups and downs (95% ups, 5% downs) and still manages to retain its charm, likability, catchy-ness and overall class that GaGa always brings so effortlessly to the table with such pizazz and fashion that none of her peers could ever hope to achieve. Its 80's, its crazy, its cohesive and its GaGa. To some, it may not be the best album of the Decade, but the greatest pop album of the year AND the greatest pop album since Britney's flawless 'Blackout'? I think so.....

Best Bits: Government Hooker, Scheiße, Bloody Mary, Heavy Metal Lover, The Edge of Glory
Shit Bits: Bad Kids & The Queen
RATING: 5 out of 5

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